Logita waterfalls

Galana and Logita waterfalls situated 119 km, south east of Hawassa city in Bona Woreda. Logita waterfalls with its torrential sound and amazing feature it is an unforgettable natural site, to tourists who have natural site seeing hobbies. Endemic and common birds are also found around these both waterfalls. Logita Lodge and nearby forests are shelter for birds. Montene Francolin, little swift, pied crow, Hadada ibis, wattle ibis, Common waxbill, Nubian wood pecker, Red Billed ox pecker, Red headed weaver and Rutous sparrow are some among the birds of various species in the Bona-Bansa tourist route. The ideal places for watching birds in the Bona- Bansa route is, Rivers and falls, forests, Villages and gardens. Wild mammals such as spotted hyena, side striped jackal, African civet, ape, Gurreza are found on this route. Foot trekking is a preferable exploring way to visit the Bona-Bansa route.